At The Pilot, we create an entirely improvised sitcom pilot based solely on your suggestions! Our show starts with a short-form improv half, with games similar to those on 'Whose line is it anyway', before moving on to our long-form sitcom episode. Whether you're more Friends-fan or Big Banger, you'll get to see a brand-new sitcom brought to life.
One of the best improv groups on the London circuit. Hilarious short form and heart felt sitcom episode - I want to watch episode 2! Great host, Anthony Heston is hilarious, I'll definitely check out his stand up. So glad they have this show once a month. Love it! 5*
An easy stroll from old street station, we got a solid 2 hours of comedy for under a tenner. The venue does pizza (including gluten free bases if required) and has a full bar. Well worth the visit.