Arthur Smith

Ian N reviewed Barbara Nice is Havin' A Piggin' Lock-in 4. * 27th June 2020* which happened on Sat 27th Jun 2020.
Review posted at 10:58am on Mon 29th Jun 2020.

Arthur Smith
Arthur Smith never follows trends and is the better for it. A great raconteur.

Would you recommend to a friend?

Andrew G reviewed Barbara Nice is Havin' A Piggin' Lock-in 4. * 27th June 2020* which happened on Sat 27th Jun 2020.
Review posted at 10:09am on Mon 29th Jun 2020.

Arthur Smith


Carolyn R reviewed Barbara Nice is Havin' A Piggin' Lock-in 4. * 27th June 2020* which happened on Sat 27th Jun 2020.
Review posted at 9:43am on Mon 29th Jun 2020.

Arthur Smith
Good to hear poetry. Great insight into someone else's life.

Would you recommend to a friend?

Nathan L reviewed Barbara Nice is Havin' A Piggin' Lock-in 4. * 27th June 2020* which happened on Sat 27th Jun 2020.
Review posted at 12:14am on Mon 29th Jun 2020.

Arthur Smith
Dry wit & great poetry

Would you recommend to a friend?

Stewart L reviewed Barbara Nice is Havin' A Piggin' Lock-in 4. * 27th June 2020* which happened on Sat 27th Jun 2020.
Review posted at 10:17pm on Sun 28th Jun 2020.

Arthur Smith

Would you recommend to a friend?

Danielle H reviewed Barbara Nice is Havin' A Piggin' Lock-in 4. * 27th June 2020* which happened on Sat 27th Jun 2020.
Review posted at 7:56pm on Sun 28th Jun 2020.

Arthur Smith

Would you recommend to a friend?