Arthur Smith

Susie B reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Paddy Lennox, Steve Gribbin, Arthur Smith & Danny Deegan which happened on Sat 16th Sep 2023.
Review posted at 6:26pm on Mon 18th Sep 2023.

Arthur Smith

Matthew K reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Paddy Lennox, Steve Gribbin, Arthur Smith & Danny Deegan which happened on Sat 16th Sep 2023.
Review posted at 10:02am on Mon 18th Sep 2023.

Arthur Smith


ALAN T reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Paddy Lennox, Steve Gribbin, Arthur Smith & Danny Deegan which happened on Sat 16th Sep 2023.
Review posted at 9:40pm on Sun 17th Sep 2023.

Arthur Smith

Would you recommend to a friend?

Justine M reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Paddy Lennox, Steve Gribbin, Arthur Smith & Danny Deegan which happened on Sat 16th Sep 2023.
Review posted at 9:03pm on Sun 17th Sep 2023.

Arthur Smith
Very smart and very funny - also kind

Would you recommend to a friend?

Julie E reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Paddy Lennox, Steve Gribbin, Arthur Smith & Danny Deegan which happened on Sat 16th Sep 2023.
Review posted at 5:51pm on Sun 17th Sep 2023.

Arthur Smith

Would you recommend to a friend?

Jess B reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Paddy Lennox, Steve Gribbin, Arthur Smith & Danny Deegan which happened on Sat 16th Sep 2023.
Review posted at 5:20pm on Sun 17th Sep 2023.

Arthur Smith
Brilliant, we laughed so much

Would you recommend to a friend?