Pierre Hollins


Pierre Hollins

Nathalie N reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Duncan Oakley, Pierre Hollins, Don Biswas & Paddy Lennox which happened on Sat 9th Dec 2023.
Review posted at 1:44pm on Mon 11th Dec 2023.

Pierre Hollins

Would you recommend to a friend?

Lisa W reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Duncan Oakley, Pierre Hollins, Don Biswas & Paddy Lennox which happened on Sat 9th Dec 2023.
Review posted at 8:57am on Mon 11th Dec 2023.

Pierre Hollins

Would you recommend to a friend?

levi w reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Duncan Oakley, Pierre Hollins, Don Biswas & Paddy Lennox which happened on Sat 9th Dec 2023.
Review posted at 10:40pm on Sun 10th Dec 2023.

Pierre Hollins

Would you recommend to a friend?

Albert S reviewed Baldock Comedy Knights with Brendan Dempsey, Duncan Oakley, Pierre Hollins & Mary Bourke which happened on Sat 9th Dec 2023.
Review posted at 5:49pm on Sun 10th Dec 2023.

Pierre Hollins
Good when we could hear him properly

Would you recommend to a friend?

Jean B reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Duncan Oakley, Pierre Hollins, Don Biswas & Paddy Lennox which happened on Sat 9th Dec 2023.
Review posted at 5:24pm on Sun 10th Dec 2023.

Pierre Hollins


Laura B reviewed Laughing Bishops Comedy Club with Duncan Oakley, Pierre Hollins, Don Biswas & Paddy Lennox which happened on Sat 9th Dec 2023.
Review posted at 5:12pm on Sun 10th Dec 2023.

Pierre Hollins

Would you recommend to a friend?